Sunday, December 6, 2009

How did we not die?

Aug 4, 2009 My sister and I have commented to each other that we might be a little overprotective of our children. But, the longer I am a parent, am able to compare others' parenting styles to my own, and become more aware of my own mortality- the more I realize that we are actually probably as protective as any normal parent should be. We have begun to discuss how my father "parented" us, and it turns out we had many near death experiences under his care. My parents divorced when I was 7, so our summers after that were spent with him. We would leave my mom in about June and come back in August. Those were the dirtiest, hottest, and most unhealthy times I think we had all year! I drove past Paint Rock Road in North Austin today and it reminded me when my dad took Candace and I to Paint Rock, Texas. It is near San Angelo and probably 200 people live there. A river runs through and it had a rickety dam. We played in the river and had our fun jumping off of the dam. Candace did not jump out far enough one time and scraped her whole back down the dam. I would consider this a near death experience because she could have gotten a spinal cord or head injury. She said it hurt immensely, and I remember it looking bad. Dad just told her, "ahh, you're ok.!" Now, I say that to my kids when they really are ok, but I think that it warranted much more than that! I guess he was too busy drinking his Coors on the river bank with some other pwt that he befriended. Another time, we were at another lake and I was floating in an inner tube. I had my body through the middle and my legs down toward the bottom. I leaned over to paddle myself and flipped over and could not get my head out of the water. I was underwater for probably 20 seconds, about to drown, before someone pulled me up. But, rather than tell me not to do that again- what did it do? Did it again and almost drown again! My sister said that she almost drown, too in a lake, but thankfully my dad looked up at the right time and rescued her. And, my dad driving drunk with us all the time never ceases to amaze me. I cannot imagine what in his right mind made him think that it was ok to drink and drive with your children? Parents, watch your kids. Don't drink and drive with them. Do you want your kids, in their 30's, to look back and wonder how they survived in your care! Divorced parents, make sure you teach your kids what is acceptable behavior by the other parent and what is not! Make sure that they know- if something does not feel right or if you ALMOST DIE- that they need to tell you! It is tough growing up with one of your parents being a loser. My sisters and I are true survivors. I am going to start a foundation for people like us. Tell us your story, and you can join.

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