Saturday, October 2, 2010

Technology is Shrinking my Brain

Has anyone else noticed that they cannot remember anything anymore? Peers, older friends, young whipper snappers (will need to look up the origin of that later) noticed any changes over the past few years? In addition to having "mommy brain," I think I discovered another reason why I can't remember jack anymore. We don't have to remember anything anymore. Within seconds of something memorable occuring, we can text it, photograph it, post it, or call someone to report it. Remember in olden times (1996) when something happened to you, you had to wait until you got home to call someone- on your land line?. All day long you'd have to continually remind your self of the situation (no, not the Jersey Shore dude. Ahhh, remember those wonderful olden times when crap like that did not exist??) so you would not forget. Remember when you'd have to wait on the pictures to be developed to show such awesomeness as thong man on Lady Bird Lake (haven't seen him personally, but I've heard a lot about him. I am sure he has super tan, leathery buttocks like Leslie Cochran, which I've seen up close. Nayyyastaaayyy!). You'd have to prep your friends with lines like, "dude you will not BELIEVE what I saw in Austin. I can't WAIT until the pictures come in the mail!" When you met someone special, got their phone number on a napkin, and shoved it in your back pocket- you'd have to remember to take it out before you washed. Have you thought about whether the link to your soul mate disintegrated in Tide soup in your water guzzling, energy inefficient washing machine? Are you absolutely positive that you married the right person? What if your destiny was actually to end up with Joe Bob Billy Tom Dean? Ponder that for a moment. Now, rather than remember to take the napkin out of your pocket, when that tight Wrangler, massively starched shirt wearing tall drink of water approached, you could instantly whip out your phone, enter the numbers (listed as "Cowboy Hottie"), and promise to call. So, please be patient with us in the age of instantaneosity. Our brains are withering as technology advances further and further, so take it easy on us.